Nobles Chapel, 1900-2010
Since 1900, Nobles Chapel has existed as a family of believers, called together for the purpose of worship, fellowship, and a mission of love to the community.
Our mission
At Nobles Chapel, God is cultivating a welcoming, faithful, and passionate community of believers. We believe that God is calling us to reach out to our community, to welcome others with no exceptions, and to share the love of Jesus is word and in action. God is growing something different at Nobles Chapel. Will you join us?
The three goals of our congregation are to:
Serve our church family
Empower the next generation
Reach our community
At Nobles Chapel, everything we do is reflected in these three goals. We believe that our goals unify us as a church family, helping each individual to find their unique calling within the context of our Rock Ridge community.
A few other things that make us stand out:
We affirm both men and women as equal partners in the leadership of the church body. We have had female deacons since 1989, and called our first female pastor in 2017.
We believe in the autonomy and independence of the local church and the right of its members to make all decisions regarding the governance of the body.
We believe that the church is ultimately a family that is called to love one another and serve one another in the midst of all circumstances. We consider ourselves to be a Church Family for the Whole Family.
We enjoy a partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina.
At CBFNC, we value fellowship and the many ways it brings us together.
Our Identity
We are a fellowship of Baptists in North Carolina sharing a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in our midst, and a reverence for God's Word. Our oneness is expressed through a devotion to historic Baptist principles of faith and practice. This devotion calls us to join together in responding to Jesus' call to go into all the world to share God's love (Matthew 28:19-20). Check out this article by Randall Lolley, "Bringing Baptists of North Carolina together for Christ-Centered Ministry."
Our Mission
Bringing Baptists of North Carolina Together for Christ-Centered Ministry
Our Principles
Centrality and Authority of Scripture - We affirm the authority of scripture. We believe the Bible, under the Lordship of Christ, is central in the life of the individual and church.
Priesthood of All Believers - We affirm the freedom and right of every Christian to interpret and apply scripture under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We affirm the freedom and responsibility of every person to relate directly to God without the imposition of creed, the control of clergy or the interference of government.
Autonomy of the Local Church - We affirm that Baptist churches are free, under the Lordship of Christ and guidance of the Holy Spirit, to determine their membership and leadership, to order their worship and work, to ordain whomever they perceive as gifted for ministry and to participate, as they deem appropriate, in the larger Body of Christ.
Freedom of Religion - We affirm religious freedom for all people and the separation of church and state.